Amiot Métayer

Amiot Métayer (died September 20/21, 2003) was a gang leader in Haïti. His gang, based in the northern city of Gonaïves, was called the "Cannibal Army". Although he had once supported Haïtian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the government arrested him for arson on May 21, 2002. He was, however, freed from jail by members of his gang in August 2002 and proceeded to lead anti-government riots.[1] He was found murdered in September 2003, and his supporters accused Aristide of having ordered his death.[2]

In March 2004, following a successful rebellion against Aristide in February (of which Buteur Métayer, Amiot's brother, was a leader), newly appointed Haïtian prime minister Gérard Latortue visited Gonaïves and paid tribute to Métayer, calling for a moment of silence to remember him.[3]


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